Serie "Mirar el Aire",Tinta y transfer sobre papel, 0,67x0,40m, 2011
"Roses" series,Ink and transfer on paper, 0,50x0,32m, 2011
"Roses" Series,Ink and transfer on paper, 0,50x0,32m, 2011
"Offerings of emptiness" Series,Serigraphy and frottage on paper, 0,46x3m, 2011
"Traces of silence",Horizontal diptych, Ink drawings on paper, 0,56x1,44m, 2011
"Traces of silence" Series,Horizontal diptych, Ink on paper, 0,56x1,44m, 2011
"Glowing absence",Horizontal diptych, Mixed media on canvas, 1,38x2,04m, 2011